New contribution of PT Magazine to Medplattform®

New article in the PT magazine about Medplattform®


In the current issue of the PT magazine there is an interview with Dr. Holger Korte. Primarily the implementation of digital education in the medical-therapeutic sector is discussed. The example of Vidacta-Bildungsgruppe GmbH, which specializes in the training of physiotherapists, occupational therapists and nursing staff, is used to illustrate how modern education can work. Dr. Holger Korte explains the fundamental importance of the use of digital media in everyday life, but also in special crisis situations. In addition, the need for action at the political level is addressed and a corresponding solution is presented in the form of a pilot project by Vidacta-Bildungsgruppe GmbH in the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia. The aim here is to anchor in the law that 10% of physiotherapy training may be held digitally. One physiotherapy class is already testing this model. The entire Medplattform® team is delighted with this positive feedback and is working hard to make the advantages of digitalization available to other companies in the future.

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